Liturgy Education Newsletter
LITed is Liturgy Brisbane's Newsletter. Discover curated articles, films and resources on particular topics. Past issues include "Liturgy with Children", "Eucharist as Living Memory" and "Signs and Symbols". Search the archive for past issues, or read the latest. You can even join our mailing list!
In the latest Liturgy Education News:
The Gift of Christian Hope
In this edition:
- We Preach Presence, Memory and Hope
- Hope Emerged Unbreakable
- Liturgical Hope as Public Work
- The Hope of Lent
Previous Issues:
- Pilgrims of Hope - Jubilee 2025
- Pastoral Care of the Sick
- Liturgy Committees
- Liturgy and Community
- RCIA - The Power of Accompaniment
- Liturgy with Children and Teens
- Liturgical Music - Some Considerations
- A Co-Responsible Church
- Blessings
- Christ With Us in the Eucharist
- Celebrating Advent
- Sacramental Preparation
- Mystery and Mission
- Conversion, Healing, Penance
- Desiderio Desideravi
- In Search of Peace
- Living Lent
- Saints and Souls
- Lay Liturgical Ministry
- Music Matters
- 50 Days of Easter
- St Joseph
- Christmas 2020
- Planning for Christmas 2020
- Signs and Symbols
- Looking Forward
- Eucharist as Living Memory
- What Have We Learned From Lockdown?
- Celebrating Holy Week in COVID Times
- Solidarity and Unity
- Preparing for Lent
- Liturgy with Children
- Praying For Rain
- Christian Initiation
- Season of Creation
- Ordinary Time
- Saints and Feasts
- Eucharist
- Women Deacons, Music Choices and Lent
- Catholic Worship Book II
- Altar Servers
- Ministers of the Word
- Children's Liturgy of the Word
- Music Ministry
- The Problem of Translation
- Data Projectors
- The Season of Advent
- The Christmas Season
- The Book of Blessings
- The Year of Youth Jan 2018
- Australia Day Jan 2018
- Marriage Feb 2018
- Easter Triduum Mar 2018
- ANZAC Day April 2018
- Funerals June 2018
- Formation and Liturgy July 2018
- The Role of the Deacon July 2018
- A Pastoral Map to Baptism Aug 2018
- Communion Sept 2018
- Advent Issues Nov 2018, Oct 2017,
Liturgy Brisbane recommends the following Liturgical blogs and websites:
The Church, through its members, seeks to respond wholeheartedly to Jesus' command to love God and love neighbour. The Catholic Church is a worshipping, Eucharistic community, which carries out its mission to the broader community in a number of key areas including education, health, social justice and social service.
Other Australian sites with liturgical content:
Pray Tell is an American liturgical blog that gives practical wisdom about prayer, sacraments, and the community of the faithful – in short, worship. Created especially for pastors, liturgists, musicians, and scholars, Pray Tell is informal, conversational, even humorous, but also – we hope – always well-informed and intellectually grounded. is another American blog. It interrogates the boundary where liturgy and life meet, to see how God is working in our world right now.
U.S. Catholic puts faith in the context of everyday life. With a strong focus on social justice, they offer a fresh and balanced take on the issues that matter most in our world, adding a faith perspective to such challenges as poverty, education, family life, and pop culture. Often features articles on liturgy. Published by the Claretian Missionaries.