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Prayers For Peace
I am receiving frequent requests at present from parishes wanting resources to help them pray for world peace at liturgical celebrations. Here are some suggestions.
Lord of hope and compassion, who called Abraham, our father in faith, to journey to a new future, we remember the country of Iraq from which he was summoned.
May we who name ourselves children of Abraham call to mind all the peoples of the Middle East who honour him as father.
We long for the day when you will provide for all nations your blessing of peace.
When strife and war are at hand, help us to see in each other a family likeness,
our inheritance from our one father Abraham.
Keep hatred from the threshold of our hearts, and preserve within us a generous spirit
which recognises in both foe and friend a common humanity.
This we ask in the name of the one who came to offer us the gift of abundant life.
Lord Jesus, you came to bring peace. Lord, have mercy.
You came to offer reconciliation to all people. Christ, have mercy.
You show us how to overcome our differences and be united. Lord, have mercy
God, you have made us of one blood, your common people,
and sent Jesus to restore us by the shedding of his blood;
help us, by your Spirit, to recover our common humanity
so that your world may be renewed in peace.
Bring your peace to this world, a peace we cannot make ourselves.
Awaken the consciousness of all peoples and their leaders,
raise up those who can speak and act for peace,
and show us new ways in which hatred can be left behind,
wounds can be healed, and unity restored.
We pray in the name of Jesus who is our peace. Amen.
May the God of love and mercy,
touch our broken lives and bring us healing,
touch our violent world and bring us peace,
and be with us now and always. Amen.
Go now to be bearers of hope, love and peace.
Denounce violence and console those who are hurting.
Go, and be the hands and heart of Jesus Christ in our world today. Amen.
Psalm 23 The Lord is my shepherd
Psalm 85: 8-13 The Lord speaks of peace to his people
Matthew 5: 1-12 The Beatitudes
Ephesians 4:30-5:2 Be kind and forgiving
"For the Healing of the Nations", Gather Australia #513
"Christ, Be Our Light", Gather Australia #404
"Let There be Peace on Earth", As One Voice Vol I #190
"Peace Prayer of St Francis", As One Voice Vol II #126
· Smile at strangers in the street, at the shops, on the train.
· Make peace with someone with whom you have had an argument.
· Try to make peace between friends or at home.